What new features do you know about Vue 3?#
What are the communication methods between Vue components?#
How to get the component instance in Vue 3? How to customize the template reference name?#
What is the difference between ref and reactive in Vue 3?#
How to destructure a reactive object in Vue 3 without losing reactivity?#
How to handle cross-origin issues in a Vue 3 project?#
How to implement dynamic components in Vue 3?#
What event modifiers are available in Vue 3?#
How to define component names in the top-level setup of Vue 3?#
How to access child component variables or methods in the top-level setup of Vue 3?#
What are scoped slots?#
How to implement transition animations between components?#
How to "deeply" select styles in Vue 3 with scoped?#
How to implement one-time listening and deep listening in Vue 3?#
What is the specific purpose and implementation principle of keep-alive?#
How to implement a custom directive?#
What is Teleport in Vue 3? How to use it?#
What is Suspense in Vue 3?#
What are the differences between Pinia and Vuex?#
What is the difference between params and query in vue-router?#
How to implement route lazy loading?#
What is the difference between history mode and hash mode in routing?#
How to implement multi-environment configuration in a Vue project?#
What is the creation and mounting order of Vue child and parent components?#
What are the performance optimization methods in Vue?#
How to handle login state expiration in backend projects?#
How to uniformly handle interface permission verification and error handling in Vue?#
What are the steps, important plugins, and directory structure you would organize when building a Vue 3 project from scratch?#
This article is synchronized and updated to xLog by Mix Space. The original link is https://kaife.cn/posts/interview/vue